Saturday, May 26, 2007


wow what a night!!! hillsongs are like the best band group ever!! well its the only band i went to see live and OMG it was awesome we had so much fun!! hehe we left the house at 4:30pm on friday and came back at 1:30am on saturday lol.. so yeah u can tell how much fun it was. there was a big line up wehn we arrives at thunderbird stadium... it took us a while to find parking hehe even though it was paid but whatever right lol.. than when we went inside we had awesome sits!! GOD BLESS BENI!!! heheh she saved us all spaces lol.... than the concert began an OMG it was sooooooooooooo mnuch fun!! i didnt even sit for a second. well none of us did lol. we could it was jsut so much fun worshiping God under open skies going all out scream on top of ur lungs just for God without worring about ur vocal keys and stuff really it was something :D than after a little while the dude preached on somthing just fro like 10 mins wasnt long at all. he said that every thing is worth something and if it is in the right hands than only it will be of a value , if it is in the wrong hands than it will not work the way it was supposed to be working. he used a gutter example.. he said for someone who knows how to play the giuiter it, that guiter that he is hole is of a great value but for someone who does not know how to play it , it is of no value u can even say that his abusing the thing lol... oh boy jsut think about it that for a while . think how it makes a diffrence in our lives. the things that we know our talents that we have they are of a great value and it is important that we come to our senses and pay more attention to the things that makes more sense in our lives than to go after things that are of no concern to us and we are jsut trying to poke our noese there :P hehe iam talking about spritual sense here and our spiritual gifts. its importan that we realize what we are capabale of doing for God here. now is the time!! and yeah that the mess part that was awesome for me... and than when the concer was over we all went to dannys and has a goood dinner heheheh simi ur awesome lol..... ok people yeah just to let u know i am not over my blond thing yet so if u are refering anyone as a "blondie" lol.. i might jsut reply lol... ahahahaha iam saying this cuz we were eating and having and awesome time and than simi was saying something to sarah and she was calling her and i dont think she hear it than sim was like "hey blonde" hehe lol... u see sarah and i both look up lol.... ahaha the funnyhting here is that iam now a red head n blonde really dosnt apply but whatever rigth lol... hehehehehe oh well we had an awesome time last night and really it was a lot of fun and God Bless everyone that went.... and iam gonna stop typing now i can go on an on an on of what all happened lol.... so anycomments guys :D:D:D:D


~SIM J~ said...

spell guitar right u doofus!!!!! i love you blondie!!!

Jenis said...

haha sim ur an honest friend i love you

Benita said...

ohh mann jenis that was such a fun night!!! awesome worship, delicious food, and the coolest friends :D i wanna do it again!!