Thursday, May 10, 2007


AWESOME GOD, AWESOME FAMILY, AWESOME FRIENDS, AWESOME CLASSES, AWESOME EVERYTHING ELSE!!! CAN I GET AN AMEN TO THAT!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME... ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!! yeah u migth be think why em i writing all this, well iam doin it cuz i just relaized how wounderful God is an how he has blessed us with our lives. yeha i know there ups and downs in life but hey God is there to guide us. when we think everything has fails us and we can trut people anymore well thats not rigth? we anre not supposed to put our trust on people we have to put our trust on God thats what he tells us to than why is it that we get dispointed on men? we have no right to God already told us not to do that an if we want to go out of our ways and follow own path than obviosely we willget hurt on the way.. that is why iam saying God is awesome. he takes care of all sitiuations in our lives and all we have to do is to trust him. iam very happy to relize this today. and i know for the times when we think that we have reached the end of our lines we have to remember that God is there at the end of that line finieshing that line!!! so there u have it fix ur eyes on God and not on people and u'll see what i mean!! life will be filled with blessing that u cant imagain :D